Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Today is the day when everyone is Irish!
Did you know that St.Patrick was once a pagan? But, he is one of Christianity's most popular saints and is known for driving the snakes out of Ireland.
In 1737, the holiday first became publicly observed by the Irish immigrants in the United States in Boston. The first St. Patrick's Day parade was held in New York City in 1766.
After almost 300 years, the tradition continues by wearing green, eating Irish food, listening to Celtic music and Irish folklore, and attending parades. What a great day for celebration and in Chicago it is by far the best!
There is an area in downtown Chicago called Division St. where they close down the streets, Policemen are on horseback, and the celebration begins in the wee hours of the morn'. Believe me when I say the streets are filled not only with those who are Irish but the wanna be's too! The celebration spans throughout the Chicago land area with great excitement.
Happy St. Patrick's Day & God Bless!

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