Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tag You're It!

Tag You're It!

I've been tagged by http://kdcevents.blogspot.com/

Here are six quirky things about me! Now that you have been tagged you must do the same.

1. When I deviate from a (normal) routine I get out of sorts.
2. I have to eat my salad at the end of my meal and not before.
3. When making coffee, the pot has to be lined up evenly on the burner - centered!
4. I love to rearrange furniture. At my house at least once a month and even when I go to someones home I will make a suggestion and find myself moving furniture or rearranging something!
5. When I am on the phone and another call comes in I tell the person I am talking to to Hold On not once but a couple times before I take other call. I guess I want to make sure they heard me not only the first time but the second - hmmmm!
6. Although I have most my body parts with the exception of my tonsils, my big toe on my left foot does not bend and is noticeably shorter than the big toe on my right. This also causes a balance problem at times.

Here's to you're it!

1. Meredith http://dailydosecoffee.blogspot.com
2. Mouyna Moore http://allnaturalbeautyaddiction.blogspot.com
3. Elaine B. http://hipnchic.Blogspot.com
4. Thom Fleming http://thomflemingskincare.blogspot.com
5. Beth Anderson http://mychicthings.blogspot.com
6. Anu n http://indianmakeupdiva.blogspot.com

The rules are as follows:
* Link the person who tagged you* Mention the rules in your blog* Tell about six unspectacular quirks of your’s* Tag six following bloggers by linking them* Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged


KDC Events said...

LOL!!! I heard eating your salad at the end of the meal is more healthy! Helps in digestion!

Beth Anderson said...

Thanks sweetie! I appreciate the tag. I've been tagged several times and hope to get my quirks posted soon. :) Have a chic day!

Mounya Moore said...

Thanks Wendy! I've been working on my blog writing skills when I have time. It's improved some, but still needs some work. Hope you had a great weekend.

Kind Regards,
Mounya Moore