Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Home Office-Scheduling Your Time

This is what my home office looks like. Well, kind of, I pieced together photos I took. Let me introduce to you Melmo one of our cats. He always likes to work with me.
There are advantages of having a home office. Number 1 is that you can set your own hours but, be sure to try and keep a regular schedule without being too rigid. Allow flexibility - interruptions will always happen when working out of the home especially if you have children. Setting priorities as to what needs to be done first and the remainder may be done at night when the house is quiet. What I found to be extremely helpful is getting up early in the morning at 5:30 am. From 5:30 til 7:30 my home is quiet, I check emails, answer emails, check orders, do any important paperwork that requires my full undivided attention, and check my to-do list for the day. It is amazing what you can accomplish in 2 hours without interruptions. This also sets the tone for the rest of the day - when you feel that you have accomplished something it reinforces the positive aspects of having a home based business and the successes you have created. Enjoy - creating your own destiny!

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