Monday, December 10, 2007

Healthy Winter Skin - Body Butter

The winter months can be very hard on our skin-applying moisturizer just doesn't seem to work. Especially in specific areas of dryness where we tend to flake and itch. One of the most important things to do is exfoliate your skin. This allows the moisturizer to penetrate into the skin and not just lay on the surface. You can purchase exfoliating gloves that can be used in the shower with the cleanser of your choice. The next step is to apply a deep moisturizing butter. The ingredients in Chrysalis Body Butter is designed to alleviate winter dry skin and to protect your skin from the harsh elements of the winter months. The kokum & shea butters are used to rejuvenate and moisturize your skin, as are the oils of kukui, sunflower & soybean. But, the added oils also assist in the healing process. During the winter months certain skin disorders seem to surface such as psoriasis and eczema due to the dryness, and stress during the holiday season. With the combined ingredients of my Body Butter I found the symptoms of skin disorders were lessened and your skin retained the deep moisturizing qualities. For more information on Chrysalis Body Butter please click on the heading above. Here's to Healthy Winter Skin!

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