Saturday, March 22, 2008

2nd Day Of Spring In Illinois

This is the result of the winter storm in Spring. Although, we expected a lot more snow we still had at least 6-8". I have always enjoyed the beauty of a storm when the tree's are lined and the ground is covered in a fresh blanket of snow. When the sun shines on the snow it is a glistening beauty reminding me of tiny diamonds.
I think this is the last of the snow for the year. Here in Illinois, if I'm not mistaken it has been a record for snow fall. In years past, I do not recall having this much snow.
I love living in Illinois, enjoying the change of every season. I can't imagine a Winter without snow, a Spring without rain and the blooming of flowers, a Summer without the warmth of the sun, and the Fall without the color change.
Love life and embrace change!

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