Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cocoa Butter - Information You Should Know

Known as the ultimate moisturizer with luxurious emollient properties, cocoa butter has been used for centuries to keep skin soft and supple. It is sometimes recommended for treatment of certain skin conditions such as eczema and dermatitis. When applied topically it also helps to create a barrier between your skin and the elements and helps to retain moisture. {Please note that in rare cases sensitive individuals have had skin reactions to this substance.} Cocoa butter has also been used by pregnant woman to prevent and treat stretch marks. When used in lotions and oils during aromatherapy massages it helps promote feelings of relaxation and an overall sense of well-being. Cocoa butter, like chocolate, contains a lot of CMP (cocoa mass polyphenol) and research indicates that massaging the skin with cocoa butter may help relieve stress, boost the immune system, and even prevent cancer. In Japan, researchers reported that CMP inhibits the growth of cancerous cells and tumors, and there is some evidence that the CMP in cocoa butter may also help prevent heart disease and alleviate arthritic symptoms. Other research indicates that the CMP may help individuals with conditions related to an overactive immune system such as psoriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia by suppressing the T-cell activity.
It's amazing what this sweet aromatic butter can do for you. Another fact is that cocoa butter contains natural antioxidants that prevent rancidity and give it a long shelf live - up to 5 years. Also, because cocoa butter has a low melting point, just below body temperature, it melts when applied to the skin.
Although cocoa butter is an ingredient found in many topical preparations, you may purchase pure cocoa butter at your local health food store, pharmacy, or online distributors.
If you like to create there are plenty of recipes available online for cocoa butter applications. You will love the effects of this rich butter - from the aroma to the luxurious emollient properties.

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